Heaven Preview Foundation's concept of monetary support to individuals relies on the belief that those we help, through God's grace, will not burry their talents, and that the help we offer them will bear fruit in their own future contribution to a better world. We plan to extend grants to individuals for needs related to four areas: International Education, Disabilities, Addictions, and Poverty.
Diana Alexandra Grant for Academic Excellence
Diana Alexandra Grant for Medical Care
Diana Alexandra came into this world as the answer to many years of prayers. In her native Romania, Diana could not enjoy many of the joys of childhood such as making a snowman or playing hide-and-seek because she spent her life confined to a wheelchair, but she always radiated faith, love, and joy around her. She had a precocious talent for learning foreign languages, and by third grade, she was already an advanced student of French, German, English, and Spanish. Diana also had many questions for her pastor and often asked about Heaven. She read her Bible and prayed daily, recited Christian poems, and loved to sing worship songs. When she was 9, Diana Alexandra became very ill with pneumonia, and her precious soul flew to Heaven to be with our Lord Jesus Christ. Diana never had a chance to go to school on this earth beyond third grade. Diana's family wishes to turn the pain of this separation from Diana into a blessing for others. We wish to do for others what we can no longer do for her. This scholarship has been established in Diana's memory, so that children and young people who have the gift of life can reach their dreams.
This is Diana's legacy on this Earth!
On a cold November night, in a small, poorly equipped hospital in Romania, a little angel went to Heaven. Her name was Diana Alexandra. There was not a doctor who would know how to treat pneumonia in the context of her Muscular Dystrophy condition. The prescribed antibiotic might have been too strong for her frail, underweight body. No oxygen and no breathing treatments were available. But above all, it was God's love who called her home. Her family was left behind with a deep pain, but also with the faith that God has the power and the love to change the physical death of such a beautiful child into life for many other children. Because Diana Alexandra's life on earth stopped at only 9 years of age for lack of adequate medical care, Heaven Preview Foundation is now extending, in her memory, a grant that will help provide medical assistance to people with disabilities or any medical conditions.
Alexander was a handsome and dynamic young man. He got married and had two beautiful sons. An expert in the tourism industry, Alexander worked his way up to the CEO position of a major restaurant and then opened his own restaurant. Alexander would pull banknotes out of his pocket and share with people in need. His house was always opened for everybody. He sheltered and fed homeless people at his business place. And then family and work pressures became unbearable for him. So he turned to alcohol for relief. The rest of his life was spent on medication, hospital stays, and hopeless drinking. Alexander died at the age of 57 due to heart-related complications. Alexander died an alcoholic.
This is the story of a dear uncle of someone who volunteers at Heaven Preview Foundation. Do not let this be the story of your uncle, your sister, your husband, your niece, your son. Donate today to pay the way through rehabilitation of a precious soul trapped in alcoholism.
This is the story of a dear uncle of someone who volunteers at Heaven Preview Foundation. Do not let this be the story of your uncle, your sister, your husband, your niece, your son. Donate today to pay the way through rehabilitation of a precious soul trapped in alcoholism.
On behalf of Alexander, we thank you!
A young man who wanted so much to see his parents get back together, Tom was thirsty for love and attention in his teenage years. And he found great companionship with people who introduced him to a quick fix for his pain: a magic powder called cocaine. Life went into fast motion for him from periods of sobriety to promising jobs, plans to go to college, then back to drugs and to facing legal consequences. Tom loved animals, and he loved people. He always helped others with his work, with his hugs, with his words. Tom loved God and clung to Him for strength to stay sober, and then when life bit him again, he relapsed into the irresistible deep sea of drugs. Tom died of an overdose. He was only 31.
Please help give a different ending to the life story of someone addicted to drugs. Think that Tom could be someone you know who is always ready to help you with anything and greets you with a smile every day.
Please help give a different ending to the life story of someone addicted to drugs. Think that Tom could be someone you know who is always ready to help you with anything and greets you with a smile every day.
Thank you for donating to save someone in Tom's memory!
Jenny is the sister and Mom who has been struggling with quitting for so many years. When you support this grant with your donations, you save the life of someone who could fall prey to cancer or heart disease.
Thank you for your love!
People of different genders, ages, and socio-economic status struggle with unwanted gender or sexual orientation confusion or with other forms of sexual brokenness (adultery, sex addiction, etc.). They hopelessly waver between guilt, desires, disappointing relationships, attachment loss, and inability to define their identity. Their family and friends often agonize over the apparently slim chances of a way out of such tendencies and behaviors. Heaven Preview Foundation supports Dr. Joseph Nicolosi's therapy concepts and Christian counseling for sexual brokenness and promotes the reality that there are thousands of individuals worldwide who have successfully overcome their struggles with same-sex attraction, gender dysphoria, or other forms of sexual brokenness. Paul was very far from even desiring to become a Christian, and still when God called him, He gave Paul a radically different identity. This grant is based on the unwavering faith that "nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37), and that our true identity and "life is hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3).
Alexander Grant for Alcoholism Rehabilitation
Tom Grant for Drug Rehabilitation
Jenny Grant for Nicotine Addiction Rehabilitation
Paul Grant for Sexual Brokenness Therapy
Food Relief GrantClothing Relief GrantSchool Supplies GrantMedications Grant