Heaven Preview Foundation was created and functions with the purpose of supporting individuals who belong to disadvantaged social categories (people affected by disabilities, poverty, and addictions as well as U.S. immigrants) by promoting spiritual, mental, and physical healing.  We strongly believe that our mission is in tune with the very nature of the God Who created us and Whom we serve as revealed in Isaiah 57:15: "For this is what the high and exalted One says—He who lives forever, Whose name is holy: 'I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite" (NIV).  We seek to accomplish our mission by pursuing the following goals:

  • To extend financial grants to disadvantaged individuals for educational, medical (physical and psychological), and basic survival purposes, in an effort to maximize their God-given potential   
  • To provide services to disadvantaged individuals, such as free counseling, income-based priced accessible transportation and housing
  • To foster awareness, love, and compassion through events and educational materials
  • To encourage international education, inter-faith dialogue, and a healthy lifestyle based on organic products
  • To engage in limited lobbying activities for protective legislative for disabled people, for promoting organic products, and for safeguarding the right to free speech of religious organizations


The name of our organization, "Heaven Preview," was inspired from the writings of Reverend Richard Wurmbrand, best known in the U.S. for having founded The Voice of Martyrs, who was imprisoned for his Christian faith for 14 years under the Romanian fascist and communist governments.  In his 1988 book, Proofs of God's Existence, he wrote: "The invisible God becomes visible in those who by faith are changed from glory to glory into His likeness (2 Corinthians 3:18).  Our likeness to God consists in the fact that we, too, are creators.  Every man creates for himself his surroundings, the world in which he lives, just like the silkworm spins its own cocoon.  A bad or good world--man is its creator.  The one who has faith creates the best world, a heaven" (76) (our underlining). 

 Heaven Preview Foundation is a 501(c)(3) public charity, based in the U.S. but international in scope, founded in November 2011, by Dr. Codrina Cozma in collaboration with a young, talented, and enthusiastic team, and on the basic precepts of Christianity: love and compassion for the helpless and the lost.  We believe that Heaven will be a place where every individual will enjoy love, protection, and the fulfillment of his/her needs and potential.   Our vision is to enact worldwide changes that would create, in Pastor Wurmbrand's words, "a heaven."  It is our hope that as we extend spiritual and financial help to disadvantaged social categories--the disabled, the poor, addicts, and immigrants--, our healing actions will produce now, on this earth, a preview of the future Heaven.

Rev. Richard Wurmbrand


In August 2010, our Founder, Codrina, was in the hospital with a life-threatening respiratory condition she battled for several days.  People around the world were praying for her healing, so that she could continue to serve the Lord and make a difference in the world.  One night, her mother, who was sleeping by her hospital bedside, dreamed that Codrina was falling down into a grave and that hundreds of hands reached out to her, holding flowers, and then that Codrina was lifted out of that pit.  In her dream, Codrina's mother heard a voice that was saying, "This young lady was saved, so that she can help save others." 

 We know the hands in the dream were the hands joined in prayer for Codrina's life, but also that there are millions of hands worldwide who are reaching out for help; the hands in our logos are those hands, from every race of the world, asking for help, the hands to which we would like to extend relief.  At the same time, our main focus is to point out that the best and the only eternal help comes straight from God's heart (represented in our logo) and that His light and love dissipate all the clouds of our earthly trials.  The heart-shaped opening in the clouds depicted in our logo is actually a real image Codrina saw one morning in the sky while having her time of prayer in her backyard.         


In a world in which most charities extend support to other institutions, Heaven Preview Foundation focuses on getting the help directly to individuals who are in need. We believe our Heavenly Father is a God Who restores and protects, and that to Him, individuals are important.  Christ made this evident in his teachings, especially in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son (Luke 15).  Therefore, we do not measure our success by how much money we raise, or by how popular or well-connected we may become.  It is our prayer that God will measure our worth by how many individual lives we can touch with God's love, and especially by how deeply our activity will impact the world with a desire to pursue compassion and holiness.


In compliance with the State of Georgia and with Federal IRS regulations, Heaven Preview Foundation operates with the utmost transparency and makes all its registration and status-related documents available to the public.  We invite you to take a look at our public documents on this page.


 Articles of Incorporation


 Code of Ethics

 Conflict of Interest Policy

 Certificate of Incorporation in the State of Georgia

 IRS Approval as Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Organization


Form 990-N (2011-present) 


Another underlying principle of our work is to offer the best to those in need.  What will always set up apart from other charities is that we do not condition our support on acquiring the least expensive food, clothes, housing, car, etc., but we strive to extend to our grantees the highest quality available on the market.  This is a fundamental love principle that our Divine Creator taught us through His Word and His actions.   In Leviticus 1:3, Israel was instructed to offer as sacrifices to the LORD animals "without defect" (NIV).  Later on, God showed His love to the world by sending His best, Christ, "holy, blameless, pure" (Hebrews 7:26), to die on the cross in order to save all sinners.  That was His best sacrificial gift to the world. As God's children, we are called to show our love to our Heavenly Father by offering Him our best gifts, as well.  It is our belief that our best gifts to those in need are in fact gifts to Christ.  In a preview of the Last Judgment, Jesus tells us, "whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me" (Matthew 25:40, NIV). When you become a grantee of Heaven Preview Foundation, we will make sure you get the best service or product that you need.  We are an organization that honors God with our gifts to the world. And if you decide to become a volunteer or a donor for our foundation, remember Christ's words: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12).