Dr. Codrina Cozma, Founder and President 

Our Founder and President, Dr. Codrina Cozma, has been blessed with a special exposure to diverse cultures, languages, religious backgrounds, and especially human suffering. Born in Romania in the time of the totalitarian communist regime, she experienced there religious persecution and poverty, but she also had the opportunity to get an early and rigorous education in foreign languages.  She is forever indebted to her cosmopolitan European background for her multilingualism and her joy of sharing love with people of all nations. 

While in Romania, Codrina, who was born with Muscular Dystrophy, struggled with a sheer lack of wheelchair accessibility and with the discriminatory mentality of a society that regarded disabled people as a social disgrace and shut them out of education institutions and work places.  However, it was in Romania that Codrina made the decision to follow Christ and live her life for Him. 

Christopher Rogers, Treasurer

A graduate from Valdosta State University and a successful professional in the Atlanta metro area, Christopher has a deep faith and a keen interest in helping this charitable organization reach its full potential by ensuring that the financial stability of this organization stays intact. God puts us through many trials and led us to the understanding that the spirit of giving of oneself pushes us to be good stewards of His words. Christopher believes that to give is to receive and tries to live his life to do the good works which God has blessed us to do in this life.

Gheorghita Cozma, Board of Directors Member

A retired middle-school Biology teacher, Gheorghita has devoted her life to her children and relentless faith in God. She has been contributing her enthusiasm, compassion, and financial resources to our foundation since its inception. She has also been pro-active in selecting our grantees and conducting fundraising activities.

Codrina's God-given faith in Jesus Christ is what turned the impossible into reality in her life, and it is the driving power behind Heaven Preview Foundation. But this organization is also the fulfillment of a promise to help children, a promise Codrina and her mother made to God in the midst of an indescribable pain, at the funeral of Codrina's little sister, Diana Alexandra. Diana was the promised child. Codrina spent her entire childhood praying for a little blue-eyed sister with golden, curly hair. When Diana was born, she perfectly fit this prayer description, and spiritually she was a little angel thirsty to constantly learn about God. At the age of 9, Diana was already fast learning four foreign languages, and she was having deep theological conversations with her pastor. In November 1996, 11 days after her 9th birthday, Diana's little body fell prey to pneumonia, and her spirit flew to Heaven to spend eternity with our Heavenly Father. It is to Diana's memory that Heaven Preview Foundation has been created with one of its foci being international outreach programs for children affected by disabilities and poverty.



Codrina first came to the U.S. in 1993, when a U.S. doctor miraculously offered her a life-saving surgical procedure.  She later returned to the States in 1998 for her undergraduate and then graduate studies and legally remained in this country ever since.  In 2013, Codrina became a U.S. citizen. A formally trained and experienced multilingual translator, Dr. Codrina Cozma is serving as a Professor of English in the University System of Georgia.  Codrina also completed degrees in accounting, legal studies, and psychology and is a commissioned pastoral counselor.      

 In the middle of victories, tears, challenges, needs, and hopes, Codrina's main life goal remains holiness.  She deeply desires to be a chosen vessel through which God's love and light can shine in this world and bring healing, peace, and joy.  Please support her in your heart-felt prayers, so she can continue to fulfill her mission on this Earth!

Bobbie Davonna Davis, Secretary

As a Psychology major Bobbie plans to further her education on into graduate school by obtaining the Behavior Analyst Certification and a PhD in Psychology. She wears many “hats” as a student, daughter, friend, and Autism advocate; all of which she fully enjoys! First and foremost, however, Bobbie is a Christian. She firmly believes that all of life’s struggles can be overcome through belief and faith in Jesus Christ. 

Chris Delaney, Sexual Orientation Therapy Consultant, Founder/Director of Joseph's Coat Ministries, Inc.

Chris founded Joseph's Coat Ministries, Inc., a 501(c)3 tax-exempt Christian organization, in 1996 and has since served as Director and President of this organization. Previously, Chris served in full-time ministry to AIDS patients and as a volunteer or staff member for local churches. Chris married Nicole in August 2002, and they have a daughter born in 2004 and a son born in 2006. Chris shares his personal testimony of how God has delivered and healed him from unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA).

Crystal Anderson, Disabilities Consultant

Mrs. Crystal Anderson teaches college courses that focus on public speaking, business communication, and mass media for the University System of Georgia. She earned her undergraduate degree at Valdosta State University. She completed her graduate degree at the University of Georgia. Crystal enjoys participating in public speaking engagements, fundraising events, and family activities.

Dr. Silvia Maria Chireac is a Professor of Didactics in Language and Literature Teaching at the Faculty of Teacher Training at the University of Valencia (Spain). Her research areas are bilingualism and multilingualism, which include second language acquisition, bilingual and multilingual education, indigenous language revitalization and language policy, biliteracy and technology in multilingual classrooms. Dr. Chireac investigates language and education in linguistically diverse settings, and she gives special attention to educational policy and practice for indigenous and immigrant language groups in Latin America. She is an active researcher with an international academic profile, and she authored books and books chapters in prestigious publications and a wide range of peer-reviewed articles. 


Rev. George Bennett, Substance Abuse Consultant

Valdosta, GA is blessed to have Rev. George Bennett as a resident. He has an impressive trajectory as a Christian pastor and is the retired pastor of First Christian Church in Valdosta. Rev. Bennett has been extensively involved locally and nationally in community-serving programs and media projects. He currently serves as the Chairman of the board of Directors of Better Neighborhood Housing Corporation, a low income housing development, and he is an active member of numerous non-profit corporations.


The work of volunteers is vital for this organization.  Since our focus is to help individuals in need, we have chosen to keep at a minimum our administrative expenses, so our staff and volunteers are not compensated for their work; their reward lies solely in making a positive difference in other people's lives.  Volunteers are the driving force behind our research, event-planning, and public relations.  If you feel called to serve as a volunteer at Heaven Preview Foundation, please download this Volunteer Agreement Form, sign and date it, and email it to us as a .pdf attachment to heavenpreviewfoundation@yahoo.com  

 Thank you for caring! 


Belk stores nationwide organize charity sales three times a year. Buyers can get discounts of up to 70% when they purchase on that day at Belk ONLY IF they have discount tickets. So this is how it works: Belk gives discount tickets to our charity for free. We are hiring interns to sell them for $5 each. The people who buy a Belk discount ticket for $5 will get the $5 back plus discounts when they shop at Belk on the days of charity sales.  60% of the price of each ticket goes to our charity, so we can fund education and medical grants. The interns keep the remaining 40% of the price of each ticket as their commission/pay. Each intern must fill out, date, and return an Internship Contract and will receive the tickets in the mail. Each intern must sell at least 10 tickets before the charity sale date mentioned in the contract, and 60% of sale proceeds must be donated to our foundation with a debit/credit card or PayPal by clicking on the Donate button on the bottom of any page of this website.  Upon completion of this internship, each intern will receive an internship certificate that will acknowledge 1 hour of volunteer work for our charity for each Belk ticket sold. If you are willing to intern with us for this purpose, please email us at heavenpreviewfoundation@yahoo.com in March, July, and October of each year. 

 Thank you for your help!