Heaven Preview Foundation is in the process of developing programs in seven essential areas: International Education, Disabilities, Addictions, Health Awareness, Poverty, Christian Counseling, and Peace Awareness. These programs have been inspired by outstanding individuals who are struggling daily with apparently insurmountable obstacles and are designed to support such persons. They can only become a reality if you decide to contribute your time and spiritual and financial resources to these causes. Thank you for your continued support!
U.S. International Students ProgramU.S. Immigrant/Minority Students ProgramOverseas International Education Program
- The Autopilot Program
- The Chauffeur Program
- The Pegasus Program
- The Residence Access Program
- The Dream House Program
- The Healing Touch Program
- The Helping Hands Program
- The Enable Awarenss Program
- The D-Voice Program
- The Detox Program
- The True Identity Program
- The Healing Words Program
- The Voice of Overcomers Program
- The Spiritual Health Program
- The Voice of Faith Program
- The Back to Nature Program
- The Health ABC Program
- The Food Outreach
- The Clothing Outreach
- The Ready for School Program
- The Medication Program
CHRISTIAN COUNSELING ~ shining light in the darkest places ~
For details, please read our
Christian Counseling Program Abstract
We encourage our donors to support this program to cover the counseling for people who cannot afford to pay for it. We never turn down someone who cannot pay!
We encourage our donors to support this program to cover the counseling for people who cannot afford to pay for it. We never turn down someone who cannot pay!
At Heaven Preview Foundation, we believe that each individual needs to be first at peace with God, then at peace with oneself, and finally to build peaceful relations with the people in his/her life. In His sermon on the mountain, Christ said "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9). Only people who have peace with their Creator can work on making this world a more peaceful place.
The Peace That Surpasses All Understanding
Philippians 4:7 reads "And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." This program will promote holiness and seeking God's will as a way of achieving both internal and external peace. Our focus will be to organize events and create, translate, and distribute materials that will improve not only the spiritual and mental health of people, but also mediate conflict resolution at various levels (between diverse religious or ethnic groups, for example).